Work With Us

All paid summer positions have been filled at this time. Please check back in the early spring for next year's opportunities!

Would you like to help protect the Saco River environment? Volunteer with us!

The SRRC is always looking for volunteers to join us as Courtesy Boat Inspectors (CBIs) who form the first line of defense against invasive aquatic plants. These plants, such as variable leaf milfoil and hydrilla, are spread when plant fragments hitchhike on boats and equipment to uninfested bodies of water. Once a plant fragment has been introduced it can quickly spread, threating local plant and animal life and harming the quality of water. CBIs explain to boaters how these invasive plants spread, demonstrate how to inspect boats and equipment, encourage self-inspection, and distribute information about the plants and Maine law regarding their transportation.

No knowledge or experience necessary - just a love for the beauty of Maine's lakes and rivers! Contact or 207-570-8232 for more information.

Turn your river trip into a river cleanup!

Each year, groups paddling the Saco leave behind an unimaginable amount of trash. The SRRC is happy to provide any group with trash bags and other necessary supplies - just stop by the Swan's Falls Visitor Center and we'll set you up! A cleanup paddle can be a great family event, combining the beauty and fun of exploring the river with a lesson about the importance of caring for the great outdoors. We want to extend a huge thank you to all of the groups and individuals who help us clean the river - people like you make a difference!

Michelle Broyer Annual Saco River Cleanup

Each year, the SRRC hosts a cleanup event in the beginning of September to focus on removing trash and debris from Center Conway to Brownfield. We provide canoes, trash bags, and other necessary supplies, and the day concludes in a cookout for all participants. Free camping is available the night before and after the event at Swan's Falls Campground.  This year's event will be held on Saturday, September 9th. Registration will be capped around 150 people, but we can exceed that number for anyone who can provide their own boats and transportation. 

Email to register or if you would like to be added to a mailing list for parties interested in the cleanup.

River Runners

The River Runners are a dedicated crew of employees who maintain the banks along the Saco by removing trash from the river, posting signs, cutting dangerous obstructions, and educating visitors. River Runners also maintain and staff the parking and access points in Fryeburg and Brownfield.

The SRRC employs a crew of 6-10 of Fryeburg Academy, Kennett, and college students who work up to 40 hours a week from June to August. Applications open from early to mid spring.